Your local ferry booking agent ensuring the best rates
With just one click/call, VIALTIS can provide you with direct booking of your ferry crossings through Europe. We offer you more than 1,200 sea routes and 400 departures every day from 150 ferry companies at competitive rates.
Your benefits choosing VIALTIS Ferry Booking service
- Prices according to needs/volume.
- We support you in your own language.
- Easy online booking.
- Booking confirmation by email/SMS.
- Information on delays, strikes etc.
- Flexible payment terms.
How hauliers obtain maximum time and discounts on trips through Europe?
With VIALTIS Ferry Booking service we offer flexible connections across: the Adriatic Sea, the Mediterranean, Scandinavian seas, the Baltic seas and United Kingdom.
You can pay the ferry service and transport costs with the VIALTIS Multiservice Tolls Card, which also comes with many other payment benefits for your travels in Europe.
» Become a VIALTIS ferry booking customer
Mediterranean & Adriatic routes
Barcelona - Civitavecchia
Barcelona - Savona
Barcelona - Livorno
Longbridge: (Bcn-Cvv/Brindisi route)
Brindisi - Patras
Brindisi - Igoumenitsa
Bari - Patras
Bari - Igoumenitsa
Livorno - Olbia
Olbia - Piombino
Villa San Giovanni - Messina
Barcelona - Palma Mallorca
Valencia - Palma Mallorca
Toulon - Bastia/Ajaccio
Algeciras - Tanger
Routes to and from United Kingdom
Calais - Dover
Dunkerque - Dover
Calais - Folkstone
Holyhead - Dublin
Caen - Portsmounth
Le Havre - Portsmouth
Cherbourg - Poole
Dieppe - Newhaven
Bilbao - Portsmouth
Santander - Portsmouth
Zeebrugge - Hull
Larne - Cairnryan
Fishguard - Rosslare
Cherbourg - Rosslare
Scandinavian & Baltic routes
Puttgarden - Roedby
Puttgarden - Helsingborg
Helsingoer - Helsinborg
Trevemunde - Malmo
Rostock - Trelleborg
Travemunde - Helsinki
Tallin - Helsinki
Swisnoujscie - Trelleborg
Travemunde - St Petersburg
Hirthals - Kristiansand
Gdynia - Karlskrona
» Book your ferry ticket online