Refund Rates of Excise Duty

Refund Rates Of Excise Duty, Valid For Trucks And Busses

Are you interested in obtaining refunds of excise duty in several countries in EU? To benefit from this service, you must be registered as a VIALTIS VAT customer.
Register today and get immediate effect of the service!

Your benefits as a VIALTIS VAT customer

  • Direct contact with the authorities.
  • Only 1 excise duty agent for all Europe.
  • Complete management of you excise duty applications from deposit to refund.
  • Updates in excise duty on diesel oil regulations and rates.

Latest refund rates for trucks and buses

Click the country to see the latest valid refund rates

  • For trucks of at least 7.5 tons
  • Buses: Please note that only diesel oil for transportation of passengers is refundable
  • Refund is granted to transport companies and coach operators from EU countries
  • The truck must be registered in an EU country

  • Trucks of at least 7.5 tons
  • For buses with a capacity to transport at least 9 persons (excl. driver)
  • Refund is granted to transport companies and coach operators from EU countries

  • EU hauliers carrying out transport of goods, can obtain refund of excise duty on diesel oil in Italy
  • For trucks of at least 7.5 tons and classified with at least euro class 5
  • Applications can only be submitted quarterly
  • The minimum amount for an application is € 30,00
As of 01.01.2019, the regional/refund rate for diesel tax in Spain will be the same in all regions.

This means that as of 01.01.2019 the excise duty on diesel oil will be refunded with EUR 0.048 + the main rate EUR 0.001 per litre in all regions. A total of EUR 0.049 per litre will be refunded.

Andalucia 0.048 EUR
Aragón 0.048 EUR
0.048 EUR
0.048 EUR
0.048 EUR
Castilla La Mancha
0.048 EUR
Castilla Leon
0.048 EUR
0.048 EUR
0.048 EUR
Galicia 0.048 EUR
Madrid 0.048 EUR
0.048 EUR
0.048 EUR
La Rioja
0.048 EUR
0.048 EUR
Pais Vasco
0.048 EUR

  • For trucks of at least 7.5 tons
  • The maximum refund per vehicle per year is 50.000 litres. The purchases must be paid with a "professional diesel card", as the data as regards the diesel purchases must be transferred directly from the supplier to the Spanish authorities
  • The refund is, however, only possible from the quarter from your company and vehicles have been registered with the Spanish authorities.
  • EU Companies can obtain refund of excise duty in diesel oil in Spain

  • Slovenia does not require that the truck must be registered in an EU country
  • For trucks of at least 7.5 tons
  • For buses with a capacity to transport at least 9 persons (excl. driver)
  • The refund rate is fixed once a month valid for the previous month
  • Refund is granted to transport companies and coach operators from EU countries and EFTA countries (Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Iceland)

  • Refund is granted to transport companies and coach operators from EU countries and EFTA countries (Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Iceland)
  • For trucks with a gross weight of at least 7.5 tons
  • For buses in the categories M2 and M3